As I always feel about time, in some ways it feels a lot shorter, and in some ways like I've been here forever, i.e. it's crazy to think back on a time I wouldn't have been able to place Swaziland on a map (really) or even know that it was a country (did you?).
So here in no particular order are a list of some of my most memorable memories from year one--
My first glass of tap water in Africa
Yes, you can really drink the water here!
My first hike in Swaziland
I tried to blame it on the altitude (~1800m), but let's be honest--I was out of shape and hadn't gone for a hike in quite a few years
The Reed Dance
An interesting cultural show that would surely put Swaziland on the map for more people if word spreads
Beach Trips
Nothing like winter starting back up back in the US, and having warmer temps and sunny beaches a few hours drive away, that being said...
Africa really does get cold--at least this part of it!
Check out this article, for a nice summary: Wintertime in Southern Africa is no joke.
County Fair, Swazi-Style
Complete with bumper cars, water games, spin rides and cotton candy. Even the equivalent of WWF (wrestling) was on display in a boxing ring. Definitely unexpected.
My First Car
Who knew I'd buy my first car in Swaziland? Or ever for that matter?? So far the Honda CRV has been good to me, knock on wood and schedule the 10K service check-up!
Soweto-Run & Theft of 2010
It was very thrilling to run through the streets of Soweto, but not so much to wander the parking lots post-race searching for a car (although not mine thankfully) that would never be found (RIP Camera #1, favorite t-shirts and flipflops)
Thanksgiving Swazi-Style
I was pretty sad to be away from home for my favorite holiday (focused on eating, no gift obligation, what's not to love??), but a strong showing of 60+ expats brought the holiday spirit, not to mention 4 turkeys and plenty more sides :)
Mozambique, Mozambique, Mozambique
As one of my coworkers would say: "My favorite part of Swaziland is Maputo." I wouldn't go that far, but when in need of city/nightlife, seafood, or a sunny beach, Mozambique rarely disappoints (aside from the corrupt cops)
Visits from Parents, Siblings, and Friends
Whether driving my parents over Mozambique's sand dunes (perhaps I misjudged my audience a bit?), encountering lions in Kruger with my brother and his wife, or celebrating Swaziland's biggest (and only) three-day music festival with my college friend, Alli, and her boyfriend, I was so grateful to have people make the long journey to come see me and enjoy the sights of Southern Africa.
Winning the Dream Fund
Hours upon hours and more than a few late nights in the office hung in the balance, not to mention my stay in Swaziland. Spirits were high and champagne was flowing when we found out we'd won 8.8 million Euros for new HIV-related interventions. Then, of course, the real hard work began...
Climbing Kilimanjaro
The summit night hike was hands down the hardest thing I've ever done. As one man encountered coming down the mountain said of his experience as we were on our way up (and I soon after heartily agreed): "In one word, the experience was good. In two words, not good." Zanzibar, however, was fabulous all around!
My First Full-time Job in 4 Years
As crazy as that sounds, April marked my first full-time employment since I left St. Martin's Press in NYC in July 2007. It certainly feels good to have a regular paycheck and a 401K again.
My First House
Again, who'd have thought my first move into a full-fledged house would be in Swaziland (as Cville 354 doesn't quite count). And have 2 dogs. Again, not me. But if you come for a visit and see how beautiful it is, you'd understand. The dogs are pretty cute too.
Big Parties
The house is ideal for some great gatherings, complete with a bouncy castle in some energetic cases. We just hosted one last weekend--King Sobhuza's Booza (3rd Annual apparently) and Sibebe Survivor Afterparty (for a big charity hike). Lots of fun was hadand no injuries, which was amazing given some of the intense competition--Exhibit A for the Three Legged Relay Race:
Good Friends
Expat life is a mixed bag, bringing amazing, interesting, thoughtful people into my life, but also taking them away back to the US or elsewhere far too soon. Still, we've had great times and will meet again somewhere in the world I'm sure!
And what to do to celebrate a year here? Not on purpose really, but it just works out (which is perhaps one of my favorite things about expat life here--it's rarely boring or predictable), there's a half-marathon in Kruger National Park, and someone had extra entries and accommodation for Saturday, so I will be celebrating by running amongst the lions :)
Wonder what this next year in Swaziland will bring....