Friday, October 15, 2010

In support of water...

I had the opportunity to intern at a very cool organization, charity: water, last summer in NYC, working to help raise awareness and funds to bring clean, safe drinking water to the over one billion the world over who lack access. My time there, albeit brief, was a valuable lesson in both the inter-workings of a small, committed start-up (they just turned 4 years old last month!) and the innovative methods that some savvy nonprofits are using to inspire donors and communicate their successes.

In my brief time in Swaziland, I have still encountered that same challenge that nonprofits cannot escape--our goals are tied in no small way to the support of donors around the world. Without donors' generosity, compassion, and support for causes dear to them, this organizations simply could not help the many causes and people they help eveveryday. The world water crisis is a particularly far-reaching cause, in that clean water is the basis for basic human health. Without it, there is little hope for survival. So on this, Blog Action Day 2010, which this year is dedicated to the water crisis, I would like to suggest a worthy organization that is creatively and transparently tackling a daunting task, and that could use your support--|Start Petition

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