The hike made for an adrenaline rush, spectacular views, and some much needed training, as I will be hiking Kilimanjaro at this time next month! In a hilarious twist, my hiking boots which I'm quite sure I've had since 1995 (and which my parents kindly lugged to Swaziland for me) disintegrated about halfway up the climb, leaving me to hike in what more closely resembled moccasins. It was made all the more hilarious by the fact that I had just remarked on how impressive how some things last for so many years (careful what you say!). I don't recommend climbing in moccasins, but I did make it to the top not too much worse for the trouble. In any case, better to happen now than on Kili, but I definitely have some shopping to do before then!
View from the start:
Hard to show the steepness, but these should give some perspective--
View from hikers above--I'm the one lagging behind!:
A side view of the rockface we climbed:
Look ma, no shoes--well, just no soles really:
Panoramic shot from the top:
1 comment: going tomorow :-)
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